WilConsulting AB
29 avr. 2019
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
Specialties: Cluster development. Cluster management. Regional development with clustertools. Innovation and smart specialization strategies in Europe. Coaching cluster managers, Cluster boards of directors, lokal and regional governments about cluster development methods, how to evaluate and follow up on strategies and tactics, and how to turn results from evaluation in to strategy development.
I am a member of TCI.
Secteurs d'expertise:
Accédez au prémier réseau pour la cooperation européenne
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Idées proposées
Coopération internationale
Looking for projects conecting SME industry and AM/3DP technology.
Prästbolsvägen 18, 663 41 Hammarö, Sweden
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
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