Ruth M

: 24 août 2020

Recherche partenariat
A propos

Elearning profesional with interest in cyber security.

Current research issues and recent projects:

- socio-humanitarian cybernetics.
- Project management and Instructional design using hybrid variations of the ADDIE model and Agile method to develop the micro-learning and online course of a cybersecurity standard with Articulate and learning-based scenarios (train for trainers, managers, and introductory awareness). Design and integration in DOCEBO LMS.

- Emerging Technologies (3D printing, Virtual Reality, Internet of Things, ) for teaching and learning
- Online learning (MOOCs, Online Masters, Open education and resources)
- Micro learning management for informal and experiential learning at the place of work
- Gamified learning activities design

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Transfert de technologie
 Innovation & Recherche
 Technologie mobile
 Éducation et formation
 Europe créative
 Horizon Europe
 Gestion de projets internationaux
 Écriture académique
 Humanités numériques
 Défence et cyber-sécurité

Idées proposées
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