Richard Voda
22 déc. 2021
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A propos
I am serial enterpreneur, investor, founded several succesfull startups. I established NGO instituion to encourage and promote enterpreneurship in Slovakia. I am acting as mentor, coach for local startup community. Recently I started self-development project "Hero Journey" to encourage people people live balanced and fullfiled lives.
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Idées proposées
Hero Journey - self development project to live fullfiled live
Organisation de soutien aux entreprises
Éducation et formation
Santé mentale
Today's outcome driven world is producing uhappiness and suffering. We consume more and more sleeping pills & tablets our family systems are falling appart. This impacts our own well being as well as our communities, kids and society. The hero journey project is to help people get back to normal by educating them on how to keep the body and mind in tune, how to take care ...
Bratislava, Slovakia
il y a 3 ans
il y a 3 ans
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