Region of thessaly
25 mars 2016
Recherche partenariat
A propos
The services of the Region of Thessaly are structured at central and regional level. It focuses on sustainable rural development, protection of the natural and man made environment as well as proper management of natural resources.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Training of agronomists civil servants on crop protection issues, phytosanitary controls and pesticides (ERASMUS + program KA1 – Vocational Education and Training -2017)
Autorité publique régionale
Sécurité alimentaire
Santé des plantes
Développement rural
Protection environnementale
Participants: 10-12 employees
Action: 3 mobility flows in 3 different countries for 4-6 employees / flow. The same program will be repeated next year
Program duration: 2 years
Travel time: 8 days (5 working days)
We need 3 host - parthners from 3 of these countries: Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Cyprus, Netherlands, Scandinavian countries
Larissa, Greece
il y a 8 ans
il y a 8 ans
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