pasquale soldani
18 mars 2024
Recherche partenariat
A propos
We represent the network of public libraries of the provence of Cremona, Italy. We would like to partecipate as coordinator in CERV and Erasmus+ Calls, with project proposals that focus on citizens'engagement to promote good practice in the field of sustainable development and mitigation of the consequences of climate change.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
CERV Networks of town - "Green Libraries: empowering European communities for environmental action"
Autorité publique locale
Développement durable
Culture et développement
Programme Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté
The territory of the province of Cremona, located in the southern part of the lombardy region in northern Italy, occupies an entirely flat area of approximately 1800 square kilometers. This geographical position in the center of the fertile Po Valley, historically determines the typical agricultural vocation of the Cremonese economy.
Due to the geomorphological conformation of th...
Cremona, Italy
il y a 10 mois
il y a 10 mois
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