Mikkel Høegh Bojesen
20 juin 2022
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A propos
As business development manager with DHI - the experts in water environments, the leading remote sensing company in Denmark, I'm very much interested in how especially satellite imagery and knowledge based solutions can and support solving your biggest challenges. It being concerning maritime situational awareness, sustainable agriculture or habitat mapping and monitoring.
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Idées proposées
Pêche et alimentation
Marine et côte
Économie sobre en carbone
Développement durable
Developing life in the coastal zone, being antropocentric or ecocentric, very much depends on knowledge about this region. Yet, in larger parts of the world the coastal zone is largely unmapped. Satellite imagery holds great potentials in providing insights into these vast areas, this being in terms om mapping submerged aquatic vegetation og mapping submerged navigational hazards, tidal zones a...
Hørsholm, Denmark
il y a 2 ans
il y a 2 ans
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