Martin Kaleja
25 janv. 2020
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Kaleja, PhD., is the Head of Centre for Social Inclusion At Silesian University in Opava, Faculty of Public Policies (Czechia). He works also at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) as a university professor at Department of Research about Education, Faculty of Social Sciences.
He is both the Chairman of Working Group for Roma Education and the Member of Government Council for Roma People Minority at Office of Government of Czech Republic.
His professional experiences, expertise and research interest deals with: special educational needs people, social and school inclusion, multicultural education and curriculum, behaviour/conduct disorder, challenged pupils in education, at risk youth.
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Supporting the Idea: "We are the Europe, no matter that we differ from one another."
Autorité privée
Coopération internationale
Innovation & Recherche
Éducation et formation
Enseignement supérieur
Europe créative
I am very opened for joining in a good a helpful project related to my professional experience and practice.
Ostrava, Czechia
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
Innovation sociale
Affaires sociales et inclusion
Personnes defavorisées
Groupes minoritaires
Éducation et formation
Enseignement supérieur
Europe pour les citoyens
Fonds social européen (FSE)
Programme de justice
Research, Development, Partnership, Cooperation, Changing and Sharing Experience and Good Practice
Ostrava, Czechia
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
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