Konstantinos Kontogiannopoulos

: 12 mai 2023

A propos

Dr. Konstantinos Kontogiannopoulos graduated from School of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - AUTh, Greece and holds a PhD (2011) in Chemistry and Technology of Natural products and Pharmaceutical Technology with emphasis on the utilization of bioactive natural products through innovative drug delivery systems (DDS). He has worked in a Greek pharmaceutical industry, as well as in Research Institutes and currently is a Research assistant in the Waste Management and Bioprocessing Laboratory/ Soil & Water Resources Institute/ ELGO-Dimitra. His research interests focus on the valorization of by- and co-products from agri-food industries aiming to recover and utilize bioactive compounds. Furthermore, his research expands on advanced methods of management-processing and reuse of industrial water and wastewater streams, gas fermentation. Finally, he loves to use advanced statistical methods (such as Design of Experiments) in order to organize and optimize all his experimental data.
He has published 35 research articles in international peer-reviewed journals (7 as the first writer) and has participated in over 30 papers in international and Greek conferences (317 citations, h-index: 9). In addition, he has worked on 14 relevant research projects co-funded by the EU and Greece.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Gestion des déchets
 Protection environnementale

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