Juan Antonio Ferriz-Papi
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
University of Wales Trinity Saint David. School of Architecture, Built and Natural Environments.
Sustainable construction is the main aspect in which Dr Ferriz-Papi focuses his research. He has developed research about C&D waste, recycled aggregates, concrete recycling, LCA and waste management in the construction industry.
His main interests are in sustainable materials and circular economy. Also interested in energy efficiency of buildings, waste management and building renovation/retrofitting. Consideration of new technologies as well as energy and resource ;
Dr Ferriz-Papi has participated in Climate KIC and two European projects as a partner (TEMPUS and Lifelong Learning Programme). Other funded projects have been developed with the Welsh Government recently.
Dr Ferriz-Papi developed his activity as a Lecturer in Spain for 12 years. He started in January 2015 at UWTSD as a Lecturer and now looking for research opportunities with European partners.