Jamshed Istamkulov

: 28 janv. 2018

A propos

Khujand State University (KSU) bearing the name of one of the outstanding people of Tajik nation, Hero of Tajikistan, academician Bobojon Gafurov is regarded to be the biggest education and scientific centers in the Republic. Within almost 90 years of its functioning the University has been significantly contributing to the spiritual growth of the Tajik nation and promotion of the science and culture in the country by training more than 80 thousand specialists for diverse branches of education and for other branches of national economy. There are 17 faculties at the university where over 20 thousand students are studying. University has 76 departments, 4 research centers, a modern technical base, and training resources, where more than 1000 teachers are employed. More than 50% of them have scientific titles as and Doctoral ; KSU intends to be a globally connected university by developing its bilateral relations with advanced worldwide universities. Our University has signed bilateral contracts and memorandums of understanding with 35 countries. Over 700 international students from 12 countries are studying at the university. For the last decade the university has been participating 20 EU funded projects in the framework of ERASMUS MUNDUS, TEMPUS and ERASMUS PLUS programmes and considered to be the second best university in terms of number of EU projects and successfully implementation of them. All of these have been enabling more and more university scholars to take active parts in International conferences, symposiums, workshops etc. to shape intellectual capital for our university and for growth of our National Economy.


Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Éducation et formation
 Enseignement supérieur
 Relations internationales
 Gestion d'entreprise

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