Felipe Chibás Ortiz

: 3 déc. 2021

A propos

Prof. Dr. Felipe Chibás Ortiz, is the Representative of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean of UNESCO MIL ALLIANCE. He is a member of the steering committee of UNITWIN, UNESCO MIL Summer School. Co-leader of the UNESCO Gown and Town (MIL Cities) initiative. Associate Professor an researcher at the University of São Paulo. Author of 27 books published in several languages ​​and different countries. His books "FROM SMART CITIES TO MIL CITIES, Metrics inspired by UNESCO's vision" and "MARKETING, COMMUNICATION, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION in MIL Cities", organized together with Professor Mitsuru Yanaze and chapter authors from more than 20 countries, are recommended by UNESCO. Also the 20 Cultural Barriers to Communication and Creativity Methodology and the MIL Cities Metrics app, authored by him. He is also the author of the books M@rketing Pessoal.com and Creativity, Inonovation and Entrepeneurship, Startups e empresas digitais na Economia criativa,  a sales success in Brazil. He coordinates the research and consulting team Thot-CRIACOM (Creativity, Innovation, Marketing and Communication) with which he has provided consultancy on innovation and entrepreneurship to renowned Brazilian and foreign companies and startups. He coordinates the CULTURE, COMMUNICATION, MARKETING AND COMMUNITY International Meeting, organized by the University of São Paulo with support from UNESCO.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Gestion culturelle
 Programme Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté

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