eurovertice consultores
Recherche partenariat
EuroVértice is a consulting firm specialized in European financing, born in 2006 with the aim of promoting the participation of nearby entities and companies in cooperation and R+D+i projects, financed with European funds.
In these more than 10 years EuroVértice took part in almost all European programmes, gaining more than 100 Million euros in subsidies and creating a network of more than 500 international partners all over Europe.
EuroVértice continues to expand its sphere of activity from former European programmes to many other such as Interreg Europe, LIFE+, Horizon 2020, MED, ENI, Erasmus+, etc.
Recently, along with the European funding service, EuroVértice has developed a consultancy service specialized in urban, environmental and energy development. The development and management of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Strategies, Action plans for Climate and sustainable Energy or the implementation of the ISO 50,001 are some of these services.