European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage (E-FAITH)
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EFAITH is a European network of industrial heritage associations and volunteers, sharing ideas and developing common transnational projects. Our members have experiences in all kinds of industrial heritage research, preservation, interpretation and opening sites and collections to the public. We have members and partners dealing with mills, steam engines, historic trains, textiles, and many other historic industries. We have experience on adaptive reuse of buildings, industrial heritage tourism, educational aspects of industrial heritage, working with volunteers, etc.
We can offer our network and experiences to those who would like to set up projects in the field of industrial and technical heritage - including museums of science and industry.
EFAITH is one of the stakeholders of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and has launched a lot of thematic initiatives to promote the industrial heritage as part of the EYCH2018. These can offer the foundation stones for EU projects and partnerships.
In the past we have been involved in two COSME projects, a first one developing educational industrial heritage tourism, a second one promoting the heritage of small enterprises. As a result of the last a special European heritage label with QR code was developed, Industriana - see
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Apprentissage des adultes
Services volontaires européens
Héritage culturel
Gestion culturelle
Culture et développement
Patrimoine industriel
Sciences humaines
il y a 6 ans
Héritage culturel
Patrimoine industriel
il y a 8 ans
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