: 12 juil. 2019

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Aznakayev Emir Ganeevich (See materials about him in Biographical data base  “Who’s Who in  Science and Engineering” 6th Edition, 2002 and “Who’s Who in  the World”, 2007 or at Web site: )


     AZNAKAYEV Emir Ganeevich, was born in 1951 (Kiev, Ukraine). After his graduated from secondary school,  he entered  to  the  Kiev  State University, Department of Physics and graduated from it with  at 1973. Then as a scientific researcher he stayed at the Kiev State University, Department of the Molecular Physics. He was transferred as a senior lecturer in Physics Department of the Kiev International University of Civil Aviation at 1977 (now National Aviation University, NAU) and at the same time he worked in the Institute of Hydromechanics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences as a scientific researcher. He received degree at 1980 (Institute Hydromechanics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences). The title of his thesis was ‘The investigation of the transport processes in dense continuous media’. Since 1987 he was employed as the Docent and since 1997 as the Professor of Physics Department of the Kiev International University of Civil Aviation. He received Doctor Degree (Physical-Mathematical Sciences) at 1989 in Kazan University (Kazan, Russia). The title of his thesis was ‘The transport processes in dense media’. He has more than 300 scientific publications. He is well-known specialist in the statistical physics and transport processes in dense media. Since 1997 prof. Aznakayev is actually participating in organization of a new courses ‘Physical Bases of Micro- and Nanoelectronics’, ‘Biomedical Engineering’, ‘Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Biomedical Processes’, ‘Biophysics’ and other for training students at the NAU. In 1998 he graduated the International Institute of Management (Kiev Branch of the La Jolla College, USA), in 1999 he graduated the University course in English language and the computer-training course IATP by IREX in 2000. He was a Head of the Young Scientists Society at the National Aviation University and organized many International Scientific Conferences and Summer Schools for students and young scientists. He was the co-founder and first Deputy Director of the Advanced Technology Institute at the National Aviation University (Kiev, Ukraine) also. He is a member of the Board of the scientific journal ‘Proceedings of NAU’ (chief of the Physical and Mathematical branch).

       His scientific interests are closely connected with physical-biological and nanoelectronics processes, interaction of electromagnetic irradiation with living organisms and mathematical modeling of blood microcirculation and cardiac processes. He stood as a Visiting Professor at the Biomedical Engineering Department (University of Virginia, USA) in 2001/2002 academic year. He is   member of the Biomedical Engineering Society (USA) and has Honorary Diploma for research from the The United States Department of State, USA. He created new courses for students on the new interdisciplinary educational programs ‘Biotechnical and Medical Devices and Systems’ and ‘Physical and Biomedical Micro- and Nanoelectronics’ at the NAU.

       His scientific achievements were noted in editions: ‘Who’s Who in the Science and Engineering’, 6-th Editions, 2002, New York and ‘Who’s Who in the World’ in 2007 Edition (); ‘2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century’, 1st Edition, Publishing: IBC (International Biographical Centre of Cambridge), 2002.

The scope of his interests now are: the statistical transport theory in dense media, transport processes in biological and nanosize systems, bionanoelectronics, blood microcirculation, the interaction of the laser irradiation with substances, the kinetic equations solutions of statistical physics, the methods of analytical solutions of the integral-differential  equations.

His investigations are dedicated to theoretical solution of the important scientific and theoretical problems in field of the kinetic theory - the transport processes of impulse, energy and mass in dense media  taking into account one-particle and many particle motion.

Last year he mainly investigates and creates next theories:

• The new theory of transport processes in one-component, binary, and many-component dense media, as  well  as  in  multi-velocity multi-temperature dense mixtures of gases and liquids taking into account one-particle and many-particle motion is constructed. This new theory of transport processes generalizing the results of the known theories.

• There are found new analytical expressions for non-equilibrium (shear- and bulk-viscosity, thermal    conductivity,    diffusion,      thermodiffusion, barodiffusion, thermodiffusional relations)   and   equilibrium (pressure, heat capacity) properties of dense gases, liquids and their mixtures.

• There are established corresponding laws for non-equilibrium and equilibrium properties of dense gases, liquids and their mixtures.

• Kinetic theory of transport processes in turbulent media have been considered. Hydrodynamic equations and new analytic   and   evaluated    expressions for turbulent transport coefficients have been founded.

   • The new analytical methods for the integral-differential equation systems solutions were created.

He taught the next courses: ‘Biophysics’, ‘Biometrics’, ‘Biomedical Engineering’, ‘Biomedical Processes Modeling’, ‘Electronics’ (‘Signal Processing’, ‘Theory of Electrical and Electronic Circuits’, ‘Physical Bases of Micro- and Nanoelectronics’, ‘Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices’), ‘Mathematics’ (‘Mathematics’, ‘Theory of Probability’, ‘Mathematical Programming’,   ‘Operational Research’, ‘Quantum Computing’), ‘Physics’ (‘Mechanics and Hydrodynamics’, ‘Oscillations and Waves’, ‘Molecular Physics and Condensed  Matter’, ‘Electricity and Magnetism’, ‘Optics and Quantum Mechanics’, ‘Atomic and Nuclear Physics’).

    Text-books: – Aznakayev , Aznakayeva Biophysics (in English): NAU Publ., Kiev, 2014. – 298 p.;

                – Aznakayev Genomics : Osvita Publ., Kiev, 2011. – 428 p.;

                      – Aznakayev , Pyanich , Vishnevski Nonlinear Theory of Electronic Circuits:

                        NAU Publ., Kiev, 2012. – 232 p.;

                – Aznakayev Biomedical Engineering.: NAU , Kiev, 2007. – 393 p.;

                – Aznakayev Biophysics: Text-book (in Ukrainian): NAU Publ., Kiev, 2005. – 304 p.;

                – Aznakayev Problems in Physics. Mechanics (in English): NAU Publ., Kiev, 2000. – 145 p.

                – Aznakayev , Tretyakov , Shevelya ; Electricity: KIUCA Publ., Kiev, 1993. – 110 p.

                      – Aznakayev , Tretyakov , Shevelya ; Magnetism: KIUCA Publ., Kiev, 1992. – 80 p.


Selected significant  publications from more than 300 papers:

1. Aznakayev , Aznakayeva Classification, Identification and Detection of Biological Agents with Graphene Nanosensor. – Proc. of the MRRS Conf. IEEE , Kiev, 2014, pp. 107–110.

2. Aznakayev , Aznakayeva Nanosensor Based on Graphene for Bacteria and Viruses Detection. – Proc. Carbonhagen Conf., Denmark, Copenhagen, 2014, No. ; – 1p.

3. Aznakayev , Aznakayeva Melnikov. Electroluminescence Modulation Effect in Nanocomposites from Ferroelectric Materials. – Proc. of the ELNANO ; IEEE,   Kiev, 2014, pp. 105–109.

4. Aznakayev , Aznakayeva Viruses and Bacteria Detection with Graphene Nanosensor. – Proc. of the Intern. Conf. SLAS 2015, Track: Micro/Nano Technologies, No. 7003, Washington, DC, USA. – 1 p.

5. Aznakayev , Vishnevsky , Aznakayeva Photonic Crystal Fractal Structure for Tissue-Irradiation Interaction Modeling. – Proc. BMES-2013 Annual Meeting’, Atlanta, USA, 2013. – 4 p.

6. Aznakayev , Aznakayeva ; Excitation Processes Modeling in Two-Layer ; Proc. of IEEE Conf. ELNANO, Kiev, 2013. – 5 p.

7. Aznakayeva , Nischenko , Aznakayev Influence of Electromagnetic Waves on Carbon Nanotubes Composites: Proc. RMSW Conf. IEEE, Kiev, 2012. – 4 р.

8. , , ,  Nanomedical Tool for Blood Disease Fighting. – Proc. BMES-2012 Annual Meeting’, Atlanta, USA, Paper No. 2565, 2012. – 4 р.

9. Aznakayev , Kalion Noise Detection Conditions for Blood Flow at External Electric Field: Mathematical and Numerical Modeling. – IEEE Journal, Telecommunications and Radioengineering, New York, USA, V. 70, 2011, pp. 553562.

10. Aznakayev , Vishnevsky Mathematical Modeling of Neurons Interaction. – Proc. of the ‘4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI’, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2011. – 5 p.

11. Aznakayev , Aznakayeva Are You Sure in Sequence Information Reception? – Proc. ‘BMES-2011 Annual Meeting’, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, 2011, No. B–157.

12. Aznakayev , Aznakayeva Geometric method for fractional and imaginary order integral definition: Journ. Eectronics and Control Systems, Kiev, No. 23 ,2010, ;112.

13. Aznakayev , Melnikov Simulation of Switching Processes in Cardiomyocytes. Proc. of the ‘4th World Congress ‘Aviation in the XXI-st Century’, NAU, Kiev, Ukraine, Vol. 2, 2010, ;

14. Aznakayev , Vishnevsky A. V. Mathematical Modeling of Neurons Interaction. – Proc. of the ‘4th Intern. Multi-Conf. on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI’, Orlando, USA, 2010/2011. – p. 5.

15. Aznakayev E. G., Kalion Blood Flow Modeling in Narrow Capillaries and Electric Field Proc. of the Intern. Workshop ‘Radar Methods and Systems Workshop (RMSW 2010)’, Paper No. B2_5, Kiev, Ukraine, 2010, pp. ;

16. Melnikov , Aznakayev Electric Processes Modeling in Cardiomyocytes of a Cardiac ; Journ. Electronics and Control Systems, 2010, No. 2. – 5 p.

17. Aznakayev , Aznakayeva Solution of an Ordinary Differential Equations and with Many Variables Derivatives Ones by the Integral Transformation Method.  – Journ. Electronics and Control Systems, No. 3, 2009, p. 4.

18. Aznakayev , Melnikov Mathematical Modeling of the Cardiac Electric Signals. –Proc. of the 2th Intern. Conf. ‘Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics’, Pushchino, Russia, 2008, pp. 76–77.

19. Aznakayev , Zakiev Micron-Gamma. Device for the Estimation of Physical-mechanical Properties of ; ALA, USA, 2002. – p. 2.

20. Aznakayev , Zakiev Device for Estimation of Physical-mechanical Properties of Biomaterials. – Proc. of BECON-2002 Conf., USA: Sensors for biological research and medicine, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, 2002. – p. 1.

21. Aznakayev E. G. The Kinetic Theory of Transport Processes in Turbulent Media of Moderate Density. – Journ. ‘Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences’: Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions, V. 891, Issue 1, 1999, pp. 433 – 441.

22. Aznakayev Transport Processes Theory in Dense Liquid-Liquid Two-phase Media. – Proc. of the Intern. Symposium on Liquid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow and Transport Phenomena, Begel Publ., New York, 1997.  – p. l0.

23. Aznakayev ; The Corresponding Law for Thermodynamic Mixtures Properties of Dense Gases and Liquids. – Journ of Physics , Ukraine, 1994, No. 1, p. 112.

24. Aznakayev Transport Phenomena in Multi-Component Mixtures of Gases and Liquids. – Journ. of Appl. Mech. and Tech. Phys. , Russia, 1991, No. 6, pp. 122–128.

25. Aznakayev  ; The Corresponding Law for Equilibrium  and Non-equilibrium Properties of Gases and Liquids. – Journ. of  Technical Physics, Russia , 1990, V. 60, No. 10,  pp. 164–165.

26. Aznakayev Transport Processes in Dense Gas Mixtures. – In book ‘The Molecular Gas-dynamics’, Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1989, pp. 18–24.

27–28. Aznakayev , Kozlov Transport Processes in the Turbulent Media of Moderate Density, Part I. – Journ. Bionics, 1987, No. 21, pp. 1–11; Part II. Ibid., 1987, No. 21, pp. 11–;     



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 Énergie renouvelable
 Union européenne

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