
: 9 mai 2016

Recherche partenariat
A propos

Managing the public ICT system to innovate and simplify the everyone's life

To implement innovative services for the administrations, thereby helping them to be more efficient, modern and to reduce public spending costs. This is the mission of CSI-Piemonte, the Information System Consortium to which Piedmont's Public Administration entrusts the management and implementation of its ICT services. With more than thirty years of experience, CSI works in all sectors: from health to production activities, from cultural heritage to administrative systems and from the territory to professional training and employment.

In order to promote the technical and organisational innovation of its Consortium members, CSI performs research and development activity and designs information systems and solutions that simplify the lives of citizens and enterprises. By working with many organisations, the Consortium achieves economies of scale, involving significant savings for the Administrations, which can always rely upon high level professional skills.

Over the years, CSI has expanded its activities even at international level, using the best practices implemented for the “Piedmont System”, providing development opportunities for the region's businesses. Today, it is a recognised partner for the public sector's central and local organisations.

Over 100 public organisations in Piedmont are members of the CSI Consortium: the Piedmont Region, the University and Polytechnic of Turin, the City of Turin, all the Provinces, Municipalities and associated forms, Health Agencies and Hospitals, Agencies and Local Administrations.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Efficacité énergétique
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
 Héritage culturel
 Horizon Europe
 Cartographie et cartes
 Société numérique
 Internet des objets (IoT)

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