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Great to see you!
Through lecturing, doing workshops, coaching, networking writing and debating in different medias I’m sharing mine in-depth knowledge on leadership, health, and creativity in the digitized working life. With a degree in Medical Science from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden and an extensive working life experience from within the working life research area focusing on leadership, I decided to share my knowledge in my latest and fifth book “WIFL (Work In Fake Life) – Your guide to the digital work life”, in June 2015.
How to handle and succeed in the new world of work is what I have written about in the latest book “I’m a Cebra on the digitized savanna – are you? How to succeed in the digitized working life” that was released April 15, 2016. It is available on Amazon and several other online bookstores.
I’m glad you found your way here and I hope that you found what you were looking for. I look forward to hearing from you and maybe to meet IRL.
You can always reach me through social media channels below or send me an email or call +46 (0) 704 446 996
Enjoy your day!
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