Compass - Beratung, Begleitung und Training Gemeinnützige GmbH

: 15 janv. 2021

Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos

COMPASS is a non-profit private company with an intercultural focus in order to promote the professional and social integration and inclusion of migrants and refugees and create positive impact in promoting their social inclusion into the local community. Our programs provide support to people who suffer under economic, social and cultural obstacles. These services increase the employability of disadvantaged groups and ensure their educational and professional ; 

Our programs:

  • Educational and vocational counselling,
  • Language training for people with migration and refugee background
  • Literacy training 
  • Mentoring programmes for Youth
  • Socio-psychological support
  • Multilingual guidance for education and career counselling for refugees and migrants
  • Job application training and interview ;

By developing strong cooperation with local stakeholders and implementing innovative approaches in our projects, our long-term aim is to call the society’s attention to the needs and obstacles of disadvantaged groups and to cooperate with policy makers to find preventive and permanent solutions.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
 Horizon Europe
 Union européenne
 Gestion de projets internationaux

Idées proposées

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