Bioenergy 2020+ :: Gasification & Synthesis

: 24 janv. 2018

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A propos

Bioenergy2020+ is a research institute with about 100 researchers in the field of sustainable (chemical) engineering. Main departments are:

  • Gasification & Synthesis
  • Biomass Combustion
  • Biological Conversion

Since more than 15 years we are developing the dual fluidized bed steam gasification (DFB gasification) technique to convert carbonaceous fuel (wood, farming residues, plastic, sewage sludge, ...) to syngas (carbon monoxid / hydrogen mixture) which it the starting point for a number of products from CHP over sustainable highly pure hydrogen and synthetic natural gas (SNG) to Fischer-Tropsch (FT) diesel, kerosene and waxes and alcohol synthesis.

From the earliest laboratory tests of suitable catalysts in collaboration with our university partners to full-fledged industry systems that are built throughout the world in collaboration with our commercial partners, we are proud to research, develop and demonstrate the DFB technology in industrial application.

Based on the syngas of our gasification units, we do not only produce heat and electricity, but also synthesize alcohols, diesel, kerosene and other chemicals.

Together the systems are a powerful and flexible combination suitable for carbon waste recycling, peak energy buffering and creation of sustainable, synthetic fuel and specialty chemicals including phosphorus recycling.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Ressources forestières
 Technologie bas carbone
 Économie sobre en carbone
 Efficacité énergétique
 Énergie renouvelable

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