Aziz Cumhur KOCALAR
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
Cumhur’s mission is to be supported with research for Türkiye’s urban information and decisons make it discussible and useful with society.
Kentsel alanlara yönelik araştırmalarla, topluma faydalı birikimleri paylaşıcı yaratıcı tartışmalar yaparak, yerinde ve zamanında doğru bilgiyle kararlar alınmasını sağlamaktır.
Diplomas: Şehircilik Dr. / İsletmeci / Uzman Bilisimci
Degrees: Urbanist Dr. Lecturer / Engineer / Business Admin /
Uninversities: (MSFSU / YTU / ITU / AU)
(Mimar Sinan Fine Art Unv ; Yildiz Technical Unv ; İstanbul Technical Unv-1nd ; Anadolu Unv-2nd)
Degrees / Years / Uninversities:
(Urbanism-Dr. () / 2004-2009 ;
Electronic & Telecommunication () () / 1982-1987 / 1990-1994 ;
Business Administration-2nd / () / 1990-1996) ;
[2009 / 1994 1987 (1st) / 1996 (2nd)-BA]
KOCALAR was born in 1966 in the city of İSTANBUL in Turkey. He moved to Istanbul in 1982 to attend the Technical University. In 1983 he both graduated from the Electrics-Electronics Faculty of İstanbul Technical University and in 1994 his master’s degree from the Electrics-Electronics Faculty of Yıldız Technical University then finished the 2nd school paralelly in Business Administration and worked as a specialist engineer for different public and private sectors during 30 years.
In 2009 he both post-graduated from the Urbanism program in the Natural Science Institute of Mimar Sinan Fine Art University and he is teaching as an Assist. Prof. Dr. in City and Regional Planning Department of Architecture Faculty and Engineering Faculty of Cumhuriyet University in Sivas (East side of Turkey) from 2012 to 2015 year then again as an Assist. Prof. Dr. in City and Regional Planning Department of Architecture Faculty and Engineering Faculty of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University in Niğde (East side of Turkey) since 2015.
Short CV
KOCALAR was born in 1966 in the city of İSTANBUL in Turkey.
He moved to Istanbul in 1982 to attend the technical university.
In 1983 he both graduated from the Electrics-Electronics Faculty of İstanbul Technical
University and
in 1994 his master’s degree from the Electrics-Electronics Faculty of Yıldız Technical University then finished the 2nd school paralelly in Business Administration and worked as a specialist engineer for different public and private sectors during 30 years.
In 2009 he both post-graduated from the Urbanism program in the Natural Science Institute of Mimar Sinan Fine Art University and
He is teaching as an in City and Regional Planning Department of Architecture Faculty and Engineering Faculty of Cumhuriyet University in Sivas (East side of Turkey) from 2012 to 2015 year
then again as an in City and Regional Planning Department of Architecture Faculty and Engineering Faculty of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University in Niğde (East side of Turkey) since 2015.
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi
Mimarlık Fakültesi (Arch. Faculty)
Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü (CRP)
Şehircilik ABD (Urbanism Sub-Dept.)
Merkez, Niğde
+90 530 072 58 64