ATI Westmecklenburg
6 janv. 2021
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A propos
The ATI Westmecklenburg GmbH (Agency for Technology Transfer and Furtherance of Innovations) is a regional development agency in West Mecklenburg (Germany). The company performs the search for new technological products, procedures and services, its concepts and realization as well as the technology transfer between scientific institutes and entrepreneurs. The aim is to professionalise and promote technology transfer between the R&D at the University and business as well as support business start-ups and ;
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Idées proposées
Entrepreneuriat et PME
Coopération transfrontalière
Gestion de projet
Gestion de partenariat
Gestion d'entreprise
Développement des affaires
Projects for experience exchange and development in the fields innovation, entrepreneurship and furtherance of cooparation
Schwerin, Germany
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
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