Artvin Governorate Project Coordination Office
16 mars 2017
Recherche partenariat
A propos
We are Artvin governorate, authorizing and having access to a wide range of local and regional administratives of sectors like tourism,rural development,agriculture,education and culture,economics,labour, forestry, water management,ecology and environment, Located on Black Sea Region in the Caucasian Area, we host a variety of geographical features sea,mountain,forest and rivers altogether, which widens our angle of mobility and activation in different kinds of projects.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Ressources forestières
Développement rural
Tourisme durable
Éducation et formation
Apprentissage des adultes
Culture et développement
We are open to collaborations which support governmental organisations and local administratives serving in especially, agriculture, forestry, rural development, tourism, education and cultural areas.
Çarşı Mahallesi, 08000 Artvin Merkez/Artvin, Turkey
il y a 7 ans
il y a 7 ans
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