Anders Lundblad
6 mars 2019
Recherche partenariat
A propos
Senior researcher, PhD
Researcher in batteries, supercaps, fuel cells, electrolysers (lifetime testing, safety)
Horizon2020, FCH JU,
I am a research manager in the field of Electrochemical Energy Technologies and Materials Science, with a devotion to innovative problem solving. While being interested in hands-on laboratory work, I also have the ability to understand the full picture of complex technical systems, such as fuel cells. Areas of expertise:
· PEM Fuel cells, electrolysers, supercapacitors, batteries, renwable energy systems
· Materials characterisation and electrochemical methods
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Electrochemical extraction of hydrogen from a natural gas stream containing hydrogen.
Institut de recherche
Énergie renouvelable
Développement durable
Innovation & Recherche
Electrochemical hydrogen pumping can provide a means for simple energy extraction from a natural gas stream which contains hydrogen. By combining a hydrogen pump with a fuel cell electricity can be provided for sensors and lights along a pipeline infrastructure.
RISE, Brinellgatan 4, 504 62 Borås, Sweden
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
Énergie renouvelable
Technologie de construction
Fabrication 2.0
Transport durable
Transport maritime
Transport urbain
Partnerships for Projects with focus on industry and transport using fuel cells and hydrogen, batteries etc.
RISE, Brinellgatan 4, 504 62 Borås, Sweden
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
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