Александр Залецкий
Recherche partenariat
Personal information
City of residence: Moscow
Education: Two higher educations: BA (surveyor) of 2013. ; M. A. (Land and inventories), 2015
Date of birth: August 1989 (29 years)
Gender: male
Period of operation: from July 2016 to the present
Position: project manager
In the organization: GC "Unmanned systems", LLC "FINCO", Izhevsk, Moscow regional branch
Job responsibilities:
- document flow on the company's UAV-projects in the branch;
- interaction with teams of UAV operators and the customer at the facilities, settlement of emerging issues;
- conducting briefings on safety and labor protection, control of pre-trip inspections;
- preparation of scientific articles, presentations, visiting exhibitions;
- development of new directions in the company: search for new target loads; new tools for data processing of unmanned aerial photography; new ways of representation and application of spatial data obtained with the help of UAVs;
- negotiations and business correspondence with clients and potential customers in Russian, English;
- interaction with the development institutions of ASI (AERONET, with the WG in the framework of the action Plan "Improving the quality of public services in the field of state cadastral registration of real estate and state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2012 № 2236-p), NTI (UNTI, foresight fleet Kama 2035), RVC (TK194)
- cooperation with state companies: JSC "Russian space systems", JSC "Roskartografiya", FSUE "GosNIIAS", JSC Joint-stock company "research and production center "Priroda", etc.
Period of operation: from to ;
Position: engineer-surveyor
In the organization: LLC "Center of geotechnologies engineering" (part-time)
Duties: high-Precision leveling of I, II classes in the framework of monitoring the deformations of buildings and structures.
Period of operation: from March 1, 2013 to February 2016 (3 years and 11 months)
Position: Manager
Organization: LLC "Geotechservice"/JSC "Geotechservice", Moscow
Duties: - accounting and inventory of geodetic equipment in 1C, Access;
- checking the technical performance of GNSS receivers CHC, total stations, optical and electronic levels Pentax, Trimble;
- tracking the warranty from the manufacturer, negotiations in English (correspondence) on the terms of the warranty extension.
Institution: Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK)
End date: 2020
Education level: Postgraduate
Faculty: Faculty of territorial development
Specialty: post-Graduate student in the field Of "Earth Sciences»
Form of study: Correspondence
Institution: Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK)
End date: 2015
Level of education: Higher (master)
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and territory management
Specialty: Master of land management and cadastre
Form of study: full-Time
Institution: Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK)
End date: 2013
Level of education: Higher (bachelor)
Specialty: Surveyor
Form of study: Evening/part-time
Courses and trainings
Course name: Trimble Business Center
Educational institution: JSC "PRIN", Moscow
End date: 2016
Foreign language
English: Intermediate
Romanian: Fluent
Russian: Fluent
Polish: Basic knowledge
French Basic knowledge
Personal achievements on demand.
Participated with a report "Development of technology of ecological and socio-economic monitoring of the Arctic zone of Russia, with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles" in the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Department of photogrammetry and Cartography;
Project Manager for pilot application of UAV aircraft type in the North pole;
Presentation and publication of the article "Unmanned aviation technologies in providing an integrated security system in the Arctic region" in the Arctic Rescue Center "Vytegra" EMERCOM of Russia;
Participation in the Krasnoyarsk economic forum, within the framework of Generation 2030;
Participation in an expert-compatriots in the industry World-Skills AERONET;
Participation in a pilot project to obtain spatial data on the program " Digital economy of the Russian Federation "(CER) from the GC "Unmanned systems";
Captain of the team in the competition "Odyssey" to solve the problems of search and rescue of people in the forest with the use of unmanned aircraft systems;
The project Manager from group of companies "Unmanned systems" in the framework of the Accelerator Laboratory of "Sberbank robotics" etc.
My scientific article:
Article: "The consideration of the possibility of testing unmanned aerial photography for the purposes of geographic information systems of land management and cadastres"
Slavic forum. 2017. No. 4 (18). Pp. 164-170.
Article: "The development of technologies of socio-ecological and economic monitoring of the Arctic zone of Russia, using unmanned aerial vehicles"
Krivichev , Zaletsky
Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Surveying and aerial photography. 2016. No. 2. P. 77-82.
Article: "Study of the economic efficiency of the use of remote sensing based on unmanned aircraft systems for the management and monitoring needs of the city"
Florov , Zaletsky , Urvantsev
Bulletin of the Bryansk State Technical University. 2016. № 3 (51). Pp. 292-298.
Article: "Unmanned aircraft technology in providing integrated security systems in the Arctic region" Zaletsky , Krivichev , Florov
Collection of articles of the VI Forum EMERCOM of Russia and the public organizations "Society for Security".
Article: "Unmanned aircraft technology monitoring of human activities on the example of the largest manufacturers and operators in ; Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Surveying and aerial photography 2017, C 186-195 etc.
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