Agorà Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

: 19 déc. 2016

Recherche partenariat
A propos

The social cooperative Agorà was founded in 2008 with the aim of pursuing the general interest of the community and the socio-economic integration of people living in uneasiness and marginalization.

Main areas of intervention are: support to minors and young adults displaying specific situation of vulnerability ( unaccompanied foreign minors, minors temporarily or permanently removed from their family environment, minors subject to penal proceedings, etc.); shelter housing; support to victims of gender-based violence; job orientation and support to work integration for the recipients; cultural mediation.

Currently, the organization manages 2 shelter houses and a multifunctional semiresidential center in the province of Salerno.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Innovation sociale
 Personnes defavorisées
 Garde d'enfants
 Égalité des sexes
 Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
 Europe pour les citoyens
 Programme Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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