Actum4 Innovation SL

: 9 mai 2019

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A propos

Actum4 Innovation is a Spanish company created by two senior experts in the field of cooperation and innovation management. Actum4 pretends to create value added in its customers by helping them grow in the new digital scenarios where they are obliged to compete, in Spain and other EU countries and Latin America.

Actum4’s portfolio addresses these requirements acting on three main areas:

  1. Business Development:
    1. Analysis of business opportunities all over Europe
    2. Funding opportunities: Private investors and EU calls (H2020, SME's Instrument, ...)
    3. EU Project Management
    4. Market and marketability analyses
    5. Business Plans and Financial projections
    6. Design and implementation of Balanced Scorecards
    7. Coaching & Mentoring
  2. Marketing & Sales:
    1. Distribution Networks
    2. Dissemination and Exploitation
    3. Digital Marketing & Advertising
    4. e-commerce
  3. Innovation & Technology:
    1. SMEs Digital Transformation
    2. Apps Development for Smartphones & Desktop
    3. Field Operational Tests

Actum4 is currently participating in different H2020 proposals dealing with innovation in Smart Cities, Transport, Energy, Agri-food and other sectors,  as well as cascade funding grants, having been awarded as a Synchronicity pilot. We are looking to participate  in further calls and also to get some funds for our cascade funding innovation products.


Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Fonds social européen (FSE)
 Financement participatif
 Levée de fonds
 Subventions EEE et Norvège

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