XR Creators' Studio & Digital Toolkit

il y a 4 ans

Mihai Gradinaru



Recherche partenariat

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En recherche d'un consultant

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The project scope is to create and test an innovative digital content production and delivery platform to support processes in education and training, creative and performing arts, healthcare, therapies, wellness and entertainment.


A special focus will be put on innovative ways to create, deliver and consume VR/AR content, including a mix between virtually created content and live/recorded 2D, 3D, 180, 360 degrees multimedia.


The target beneficiaries are freelance services providers or very small companies affected by the activity closure in studios due to social distancing measures taken during the COVID-19 outbreak.


The project will include a community building phase in which creators and service providers will be directly involved to ensure seamless transitions between development, testing and post-project operations phases.


While the platform will include innovative, beyond state of the art components in the form of a digital applications toolkit, the design will focus on the use of low cost COTS components to ensure ease of accessibility, without a need for significant investments from the creators or future end-users.


The targeted business model is to offer free access to the platform and its services for freelancers and SME service providers, at least up to a certain turnover in services delivered using the platform as a support.


Therefore, the project team should include a partner committing to long term free of charge platform operation ( maintenance and support of basic IT&C infrastructure and connectivity applications).


Since the project objective is to offer support to professionals and SMEs adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, there will be a very short development and preoperational phase, followed by an operational and monitoring one that will give input for possible further development.

 Thérapies Alternatives
 Économie numérique
 Applications informatiques
 Éducation et formation
 Industries créatives
 Nouveau média
 Arts performants
 Arts visuels
 Open source

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