Wine & Senses

il y a 7 ans

Fundacion Santa Maria la Real

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

We are preparing a project proposal in the call COS-TOURCCI-2017-3-03: Supporting the promotion and development of transnational thematic tourism products linked to cultural and creative industries.

The project aims at developing sense based tourism experiences linked with wine culture. Just as wine awakens senses, the project will create packages based on watching and observing, hearing and listening, smelling, feeling and tasting activities. In addition to wine culture, this will necessarily include other destination resources, such as cultural and natural heritage, landscape or natural products and gastronomy. Therefore, the project wants to reinforce transnational wine culture destinations with a strong offer based on sensory experiences including cultural, natural and intangible heritage.

We are looking for the following partner profiles:

- Cultural and Creative SMEs

- ICT SMEs (web or app developers)

- Public authorities

- Tourism related organisations

 Tourisme durable
 Industries créatives
 Héritage culturel
 Gestion culturelle
 Culture numérique
 Arts performants
 Arts visuels

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