We are looking for partners to join in our consortium for the HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-02-05 call

il y a 9 mois

Earth Sciences & Engineering Alliance

Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

Τhe ESEA research team is a collective of highly skilled researchers, led by Dr. Nikolaos Koukouzas from CERTH (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas) and Dr. Ioannis Zevgolis from NTUA (National Technical University of Athens). We are looking for partners to join in our consortium for the HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-02-05 call, in the areas of:

- Geophysical exploration in order to validate by in-situ tests the proposed Solutions

- Utilization of Sentinel-2/1

- Post-analysis modeling and simulation techniques for reservoir characterization, and geothermal expertise for impact assessment

- Increasing knowledge for minimizing environmental impact (in line with the DNSH principle), and reducing LCOE to meet SET Plan targets

- Engagement in geothermal energy at the regional, city, and citizen level

 Matières premières
 Ressources naturelles
 Énergie renouvelable
 Gestion des déchets
 Protection environnementale
 Sciences de la Terre
 Horizon Europe
 Green Deal

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