We are looking for a partner for EU KA2 project related to special education

il y a 4 ans

Tunay Ozcelik



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

The purpose is to develop skills of student with disability to expressing themselves in an international environment for social adaptation. Project includes basic education for social inclusion, language teaching, and special education strategies. Activities in the project are going to be workshops, in servis training, online training, material development ;


The idea is to:

  • Encourage student with disability to learn ;
  • Developing capacity of teacher candidates 
  • Making social inclusion a lifelong skill for teacher
  • Knowhow exchange about special education among partner countries 


Expectation from partner :

  • Providing in servis training for teacher trainers about special education services, strategies and material development for languages teaching, special education in their home country 
  • Exchanging knowhow about special education services, strategies and material development in their home country 
  • Providing education to teacher candidates (students of school of education, education department in a university, or other institution) in their home country  


Target audience: All teacher candidates. Students of education university, school of education or any institution who have legal rights to educate teacher candidates.


Our university is located in Ankara and language of education is fully english. We have international end local project experience. We like to cooperate with partners who plays active role and bring some innovative approach to ;



Duration of project:

Project is going to be 24 mounts 

Expected Output: 

Outputs of this project is going to be teaching material for special education, material for social inclusion,  capacity building for teacher candidates

Deadline for submission of the Project: If you are interested in the project to be partner, please contact with Tunay Ozcelik until ; or  


 Renforcement des compétences
 Personnes defavorisées
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Enseignement supérieur

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