Urgent-Looking for Tunisian orgs to join UNDEF Proposal

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Fundación Cibervoluntarios

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Fundación Cibervoluntarios, a Spanish NGO born in 2001 focused on the use of ICTs as a means for social innovation and citizen empowerment, is looking for partners in Tunis to join a proposal for the UNDEF Call 2023, More info at 

The proposal is focused on Social entrepreneurship for the active participation of youth in Tunisian communities, with the 2030 Agenda as an axis, mainly SDG4, SDG5, SDG6, SDG10, SDG17or.

One of the proposed partners have retired, and we are urgently looking to complete our consortium with:

- Tunisian Educational Centres (High Schools and Universities) with young students aged 16-30
- Tunisian Association of schools and/or students at a national or European level

The deadline is in 2 days, so we accept answers, up to tomorrow, November 29 at 11 am CET.  Please download the attached document, press the link to the form, and fill in the form appropriately.
We, as lead partner, will contact the interested parties swiftly with an answer and further information.

 Éducation et formation
 Culture numérique

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