Urgent - looking for German partner school to cooperate in the Polish-German Youth Co-operation program.

il y a 7 ans

American Elementary School

Education, centre de formation ou école


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

American Elementary School offer bi-lingual internetional education and has a history of providing high-quality education while nurturing young people's talents and motivating them to succeed academically and personally. For more information about our school, please visit our website .

We are looking for a school partner for long-term cooperation, not only for this one project. We would like to run projects focused on history, learning languages, music, sports (football and basketball) and literature. We have great teachers with passion who are open to various initiatives.


Our school would like to apply for funding from various sources for international activities, but we want to start with the Polish-German Youth Co-operation program. I found a specific competition just a few days ago, we prepared the outline of the project and we want to offer you co-operation. The project has a historical profile - The Second World War. We want to invite German school to visit us in Poland for the first meeting (in May or possibly in September) - children from the seventh and eighth classes, 13-14 years.

Deadline for submmiting project proposal is really deadly(), but we have already prepared a lot of project assumptions.

 Éducation et formation
 Mobilité des jeunes

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