"Upgrade your municipality" A new project in which we proceed with the support of PNUD

il y a 8 ans

"TAOUER Baladitik"

Location (s) of the action: Medenine and Zarzis
Main objective :
Contribute to the consolidation of democracy and local governance, based on participation and social accountability.
Specific objectives :
1. Mobilize civil society activists, especially local associations, to follow public policies.
2. Capacity building of 20 young people () ​​and 10 administrative officers of the Municipalities of Medenine and Zarzis with regard to the concept of social accountability and methods of their application.
3. Accompany the setting up of mechanisms for citizen participation from constitutional and institutional frameworks
4. Support local actors (local authorities and local authorities) in promoting an environment conducive to local development
5. Provide feedback to the municipality for the development of services provided to citizens
Target group (s)
1. 10 administrative officers of the municipality of Medenine and Zarzis
2. 20 young people () ​​aged between 18-35 years reside in Medenine and Zarzis
Final beneficiaries
• 20th Municipality of Medenine and Zarzis
• local associations
• Citizens (HF)

Estimated Results
1. Strengthening the involvement of CSOs in each targeted municipality and enhancing their mobilization capacities, visibility and advocacy capacities for good governance and social accountability and participatory democracy in the decision-making process at the local level .
2. Have a better knowledge of young people (HF (participants of the Municipality of Medenine and Zerzis for the exercise of their rights, and in particular to promote better integration and democratic participation in the municipal elections). Participation in the vote).

 Éducation et formation

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