Transnational support for digital transformation

il y a 5 ans

360 Virtual Worlds



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

The Transnational Support for Digital Transformation project aims to promote and strengthen youth entrepreneurship through the use of transnational tools. 360 Virtual Worlds, is a startup company that focuses on creating innovative digital products with a strong market application. Special corporate focus is: Web design; AR / VR / HR - realities and development; 3D modeling; UI / UX; 3D and animation; 360 Video production. The project poses the following challenges: the creation of a new organizational scheme for autonomous remote work in the creation of digital products; Upgrading skills for effective marketing of digital products; distance learning in creative creative entrepreneurship linked in a technological context to company activities; direct training within 10-15 days.
The target group size is 7 people
Looking for a partner
EU countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Czech Republic, Slovakia)
What will the partner do?
Distance learning in candidate-defined modules in a business context
Direct training within 10 -15 days - with the possibility of direct work with a guardian
Type of organization
1. A company with experience in the sector of production of digital products - Web design; AR / VR / HR development; 3D modeling; UI / UX; 3D and animation; 360 Video production.
university or college with training in these sectors
training structures for vocational training in these sectors

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