Transformation of Passive elements into Active SOLAR ELEMENTS for sustainable contemporary architecture

il y a 7 ans


Agence locale / régionale


Recherche partenariat


The project aims to pilot application of new innovative & cost-effective technological solutions of the Transformation of Passive Elements into Active Solar Elements for the ΕΕ και RES, in building ;
Main objectives – issues to be addressed: The implementation of new innovative technological solutions is attempting Pilot integration into the energy upgrade of public buildings (NZEB) Dissemination of results & their integration into the energy design of public/private sector buildings Adoption of solutions to upgrade CO2 reduction, to support EE & RES in SEAP development in Med communities Enhancement of depreciation capabilities (<15 yrs) & incorporation in the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) recommendations
Expected results: Enrichment of Sustainable Contemporary Architecture design tools Reinforcing the cost-effective methods of energy upgrading of building rehabilitations Upgrading the role of SEAP as an "intimacy" model for a sustainable community binder, activating & supporting PPPPs schemes(a core element of the local energy communities/chains) Transferability guidelines drafting for new innovative technologies & their capitalization from public operators decision maker private stakeholders & final users
Partners already involved: Municipalities from EU, Greece, Lebanon, Palestine 
Partners searched: Partners with similar roles, interests and new ideas 
Total estimated budget: ,00 (40% for improvement infrastructures)

 Efficacité énergétique
 Énergie intelligente
 Énergie renouvelable

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