To develop new local sourcing strategies and to improve the European self-sufficiency of feed resources.

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Central Researh Institute ofFood and Feed Control / BURSA

Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

En recherche d'un consultant

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I would like to work with you on this project on how nitrogen and greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture can be reduced to achieve climate goals.
Deal with resource use efficiency and closing nutrient cycles are important factor of a circular sustainable livestock systems.Livestock production sectors can convert large volumes of by-products and residues from the food industry and bio-based industry into valuable and high-quality human food.
I have special interest and experience in the feed value of food industry by-products and their use in animal nutrition and animal nutrition physiology.
I have successfully found researches and international courses with multidisciplinary experts, especially veterinarians, food engineers, chemists and biologists.
I hope to contact you by sending my CV.
Besst regards....

 Santé et bien-être des animaux
 Développement rural
 Développement durable

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