TiDE – Teaching in Different Environment - Erasmus+ KA220 - SCH

il y a 2 ans

Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of National Education

Autorité publique régionale


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

The main objective of TiDE is to offer teachers a packet of scenarios for educational escape rooms, from different school subjects, scenarios that can be used in class as teaching, practicing, and assessing tools.

In addition, this project aims to provide teachers with a series of templates they can use to create their own scenarios after each lesson/ chapter studied with the students in class.

The project is developed in two main stages.

First, the partners will create one scenario for each school subject decided on (mother tongue, foreign language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, sports and arts) for each class/ level of middle school/ first year of high school. The scenarios will be in English, adapted to the specificities of national educational systems. The project teams will also come up with templates for five different games/ exercises/ puzzles etc, to be used in the educational escape rooms, templates that will help teachers create their own escape rooms.

Secondly, the software development partner will develop a graphic editor that will be available for all the teachers who wish to use these escape rooms in their classes.

Target Group

This project is mainly aimed at 11-14/15 year old students, with or without learning difficulties. Another group is their teachers and the educational institutions they belong to.

We are already partners from Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey. We are looking for another partner school with students aged 11-15. 

If you are interested in the proposal, please send an email to firat_ars(at)hotmail.com providing information about your main activities related to project proposal and how you can contribute to the proposal.

 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie

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