Teenager Business Incubator

il y a 6 ans

NGO "Konotop IT cluster"

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

En recherche d'un consultant

We are looking for support for a project that will give impetus to the economic development of provincial cities and Ukraine as a whole.
Project participants will be able to attend a business school and receive counseling support for starting and managing their own business.


Enhance entrepreneurial potential in the region, which is currently one of the last places in the ranking of the economically developed regions of Ukraine.

Improve cross-border business collaboration, especially in terms of supporting and developing small and medium-sized businesses.

Create business incubators as entrepreneurship and startup institutes.

Create new jobs and improve welfare, local communities.
Main activities:

1. Preliminary stage (monitoring, analysis, social survey, etc.)

2. Preparation and organization of creation of business incubators

3. Advertising campaign

4. Competitive selection of business concepts among entrepreneurs who are interested in joining the business incubator

5. Expanding the services of the business incubator.

 Fabrication industrielle
 Droit européen
 Gestion de partenariat
 Gestion d'entreprise
 Gestion de la relation
 Développement des affaires
 Ingénieur industriel

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