Support for the Implementation of the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework

il y a 5 ans

Marco Matrisciano

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) play a crucial role in reaching the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy1 . Whereas they are considered as crucial engines for growth and job creation, their competitiveness is affected by a limited exploitation of international opportunities and innovation prospects in the Single Market and beyond.

The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan recommends Member States to offer all young people a practical experience of entrepreneurship before leaving secondary school

In 2016, the Commission published the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp)5 . EntreComp is a reference framework that offers a comprehensive description of entrepreneurial competences, defined as: The capacity to act upon opportunities and ideas, and transform them into value for others. The value that is created can be financial, cultural or social. EntreComp identifies 15 competences that describe what it takes to be entrepreneurial and outlines how these competences can be described and mapped from the most basic up to advanced levels. Since its publication, EntreComp has had an important task in opening up conversations and understanding of what it means to be entrepreneurial in all aspects of life. EntreComp can be used across sectors, disciplines and systems to enable people to develop entrepreneurial competences in individuals, as well as groups. It has been well-received by policy makers, experts, educators, and employment services across the EU – whether for establishing national level approaches to the entrepreneurship competence, designing curricula and entrepreneurial learning, assessing individuals’ competences for education or employment

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Éducation et formation
 Enseignement supérieur
 Jeunes travailleurs

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