Stirred Catalytic Basket Reactor-SCBR, a new approach.

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Nils af Winklerfelt



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We can now offer a production process that provides a production of ethanol with very interesting results: a fermentation time of only 4 hours is an absolute record.

We want to get in touch with you to present the project and what we together can get out of it.

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News from BRUSSELS, 31 May 2022

Renewable ethanol is EU’s most cost-effective solution for reducing car emissions, new research shows

Full-life-cycle comparison of renewable fuel blends with hybrid and battery electric vehicles highlights importance of policies that promote more than one decarbonisation technology.

BRUSSELS, 31 May 2022 – Renewable ethanol fuel blends are the EU’s current most cost-effective solution for decarbonising the petrol and hybrid cars that will continue to be prevalent on Europe’s roads for a long time, according to new research.

A study from EU climate research consultancy studio Gear Up assessed various renewable fuel and drivetrain options for climate action in the passenger car segment, based on their greenhouse gas emission abatement costs. Among its key findings:

1) Currently, renewable ethanol blends, ranging from E10 (with up to 10% ethanol) to E85 (with up to 85% ethanol), are the most cost-effective solutions to decarbonise the petrol passenger car segment.

2) Considering the current GHG intensity of the EU electricity mix and conditions for battery production, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) save less GHG emissions than a regular internal combustion engine car running on E85 fuel on a full-life-cycle basis.

3) The savings achieved by the introduction of electric vehicles are insufficient to reach 2030 climate targets, and therefore additional measures are needed for the fleet of internal combustion engine vehicles that remain in the market well beyond 2030.

Read the full studio Gear Up study here.

Introduction to Development of a New Technology for the Production of Fuel Ethanol at High Rates with a Stirred Catalytic Basket Reactor with Immobilized Cells.

Background to the challenge.


It seems that the research and technology development in Basket Reactor-SCBR is now starting to pick up speed and after studying a bit about different players in technology development globally and Ethanol projects underway in Scandinavia, Source Biodriv2022, I can see that there is a potential to produce scalable finished systems including certification to different target groups around the world. SEKAB is an excellent player to be able to do this and we are very interested in building a sales organization around this together with you. Below is a short summary from our partner's research.

The results reported in this work sustain the belief that the production of ethanol with a SCBR system is feasible.  Nonetheless, more work is needed with larger scale equipment in order to evaluate the influence of the other factors that influence the long term performance of the system.

In the last 20 years, the bio-production of ethanol has been subject of much research. Special consideration has been given to the development of ethanol-resistant strains of microorganisms, and to the development- through genetic engineering - of new strains able to ferment both glucose and xylose. These sugars are obtained from the acid hydrolysis of inexpensive biomass, such as agricultural residues, hemicellulose, wood and grasses.  On the other hand, much less interest has been given to the design of new types of fermenters with increased volumetric productivities. Moreover, the concrete applications of these developments to the biochemical processes industries are scarce1.

For many reasons, of a technological and cost-effective nature, the manufacturer of biochemicals needs a reactor able to meet a number of different running conditions, such as: varying viscosity, varying aeration rates, varying intensity of agitation and changing broth volume. All of these can be achieved in stirred tank type fermenters, as our reactor,   but not so easily in other kinds of reactors.

Immobilized cell technology, represents for the biochemical process industry a radical advance, similar to the introduction of heterogeneous catalysis in the petrochemical and heavy chemical industries. However, research on the production of ethanol with immobilized cells has been limited to the classical fixed and fluidized beds. In fact, these systems, when applied to immobilized cell technology show a number of limitations2. Therefore, in order to make full use of the advantages of immobilized cell technology as applied to ethanol production; we need new reactors and new approaches. The impact that immobilized cell technology could have in the fuel ethanol industry is quite stimulating. For example, Blanco and Herryman10  have compared the economics of the production of ethanol with three different technologies and they conclude that cell immobilization could be up to ten times more productive and cost-effective than conventional, free cell systems.

We have extensive documentation about the research as well as various process models and access to the researcher as if you are interested in a collaboration you will receive.

We look forward to a rewarding collaboration with you.

Kind regards Nils af Winklerfelt



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