Social inclusion and employment with cultural and creative actors for youth

il y a 3 ans

SCIC La Friche la Belle de Mai

Grande entreprise


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

La Friche concentrate more than 70 cultural, artistic and social organisations in its walls and is implemented in one of the poorest district in Masrseille's city with high level of unemplyment.

Our organisation seek to find new ways to make links with its area, the neighborhood and in particular youth throughout sharing skills, experiences and wants to create ways for young people to discover new perspectives and ;

We believe arts and culture is the core of mechanisms which can contribute to think agile, creative and sustainable systems for our cities and ;

We are willing to jump in a project which aims to experiment structuration of local and transnational networks, practices of engagement with local ;

 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Éducation artistique
 Industries créatives
 Culture et développement
 Politique de cohésion
 Europe créative
 Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER)
 Actions innovantes urbaines

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