Smart Tourism Data Ecosystem (STDE)

il y a 6 ans

Experis ManpowerGroup S.L.U.

Grande entreprise


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Recherche partenaire principal

Data is considered one of the main assets for the companies, specially to SMEs, who acquire great benefits in their business models by being able to access to accurate and process data. Many kinds of enterprises and organisms are looking for different ways to harness data, but the creation of data markets and new business opportunities around the data economy is being hampered due to the lack of secure and trustable sharing data methodologies.

Enhancing the awareness of data privacy and secure data sharing techniques across different data platforms can contribute in the value chain of the data economy fostering the development of new business models in different sectors. The main objective of this project is to make accessible these data platforms among the different actors involved, this project wants to create a digital ecosystem for tourism where all the different players (from citizens who provide this data, to private and public organism from heterogeneous sectors such as travel companies, hotels, local and cultural agencies, local tourist officies and on-demand economy servicies among others) can share these data ensuring its traceability and privacy. These tools will empower the data providers giving them real time information about the use of their data and letting them decide about their usage, fairly rewarding them for their data provided.

This proposed scenario will enable the data consumers (like organisms, SMEs, researchers, etc.) to access the different technologies for data analysis and data processing techniques that will provide an added value and quality. In addition, the data consumers will have the assurance that all the data complies with all the current legislation in matter of GDPR and with the consent of the data ;

Fostering the data markets and promoting new business models both for data providers and for data consumers is one of the main goals, so we are looking to bring all the different actors from the value chain of data ecosystem to the project.

 Transport maritime
 Transport urbain
 Horizon Europe
 Droit européen
 Protection des consommateurs
 Mobilité intelligente

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