il y a 6 ans




Recherche partenariat

Dear colleagues,

I write you on behalf of an Italian Municipality which is working on the development of an Erasmus+ KA2 project (Strategic Partnership in the Youth field, deadline 26/04/2018).

Our project idea aims to:

- detect the relation youth – sport – new technologies through a research based on a questionnaire to be administered to young people, sport trainers, youth workers, etc.  

- create local networks of stakeholders interested in the project topics (trainers, sport association volunteers, youth workers, doctors, psychologists, policy-makers, public officers, etc.)

- develop a Guide addressed especially to sport and youth associations (but also to teachers and parents) to deal with risks, opportunities and consequences of digitalization on the approach of young people to sport

- promote sport as an opportunity of socialization and education

- stimulate a conscious use of new technologies in order to support a positive, correct and healthy approach to sport and to encourage shared values (social inclusion, non-discrimination, etc.) of sport

We need partners from EU28 (except from Italy) with experience in the relation youth – sport – new technologies and available to provide contributions to the development of the Guide.

Priority will be given to those partners able to involve local stakeholders in a participative path.

If you are interested please send me information about your organisation (possibly by 13/04/2018). We want to close the partnership on 16/04/2018.

I remain at your disposal, kind regards,



 Éducation et formation

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