Service Proposal: Impact Assessment

il y a 6 ans

Foundation myclimate

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

En recherche d'un consultant

myclimate will provide monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of the impact generated by a proposed project. The measurable social and environmental changes induced by the project, based on the performance of the project, will be evaluated. Thereby, real operating data will be used, such as amount of emissions reduced, water purified or electricity generated. This approach will allow the evaluation of the most realistic impact values, depending on the actual performance.

myclimate can also provide a study on the eligibility and feasibility of the proposed project for carbon certification (UN Clean Development Mechanism and/or Gold Standard for Global Goals methodology) as a possible source of income for the final resulting project outcomes.

 Audits et Contrôles
 Économie sobre en carbone
 Développement durable
 Développement et coopération
 Innovation & Recherche
 Transport propre
 Horizon Europe

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