Scaling up of regional energy efficiency investments / Stimulation of emerging “prosumers” to shape the market

il y a 5 ans




Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

1) Accelerate the shift from fossil to RES

2) Support SGs policy integration. Develop policy measures towards achievement of unification of grid codes and addressing technical and legal levees

3) Encourage emerging prosumers and energy cooperatives to shape the sector with informed decisions
4) Contribute to broad use of smart meters, facilitating the consumers to choose the most appropriate service provider based on best value for money principle

5) Encourage implementation of bi-directional smart grids and exchange of best practices and knowledge
6) Stimulate financial incentives to motivate energy users to associate and collaborate for replacement of outdated technologies and energy systems with new intelligent ones

7)  Development of joined actions plans

 Efficacité énergétique
 Énergie intelligente
 Énergie renouvelable
 Villes intelligentes
 Coopération transnationale

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