Recycle Electronic-Waste and Secondary Sources

il y a 2 ans

Muammer Kaya



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

We are interested in recycling of the e-waste (all kinds of batteries, permanent NdFeB magnets etc,) and secondary sources (mine wastes, tailings etc,) by hydrometallurgical leaching, purification, solvent extraction, and electrowinning methods. We can also collaborate on rare earth elements extraction from ores or wastes. We are open to all E.U. project cooperation as a State University partner from Turkey. We have an experience on ERA-MIN Projects. We can be a partner or coordinator of the project.


Prof. Dr. Muammer Kaya

Eskisehir, Turkey


 Matières premières
 Ressources naturelles
 Protection environnementale

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