Promoting Inclusive Education

il y a 2 ans

Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education

Autorité publique nationale


Recherche partenariat

"Promoting Inclusive Education (PIE)" Project is a training based Erasmus+ KA220 SCH Project which aims to provide inclusive education, migrant, disadvantaged and roma students’ self-confidence and success by increasing total awareness and knowledge about educational needs of students who have learning difficulties, the needs of disadvantaged/immigrant/roma students, some special needs and about inclusive education at basic education levels.

Current partners are from Portugal, Sweden, Latvia and now we urgently need only one more EU member partner from middle Europe or Balkans due to the geographical balance. We're looking for Ministries of Education or equivalent institutions as partners.

 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Éducation et formation
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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