Project Title: Dairy Goat Development, increase rural, smallholder and households participating incomes and the stability of those incomes in Egypt

il y a 4 ans

elsayed aboufandoud



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The development goal of the project is to improve the husbandry, food security, nutritional and economic status of low-income rural families by initiating comprehensive recovery measures to support the livestock of smallholders, mainly by restocking and distribution of animals (dairy goats and animal feed). The immediate objectives are the improvement of the lives, livelihoods, livestock owners, with special emphasis on female-headed households, through restocking of High milk produces animals.

Applied on New Technologies in dairy milk farm and milk processing objectives, breeding practices of smallholder households participating and the developing country in dairy goat breeding projects were analyzed concerning their ability to bring about sustainable genetic improvement in the dairy goat flocks in Egypt. Make a good quality test of milk from the major breed groups of the goat. Develop a local processing methodology in rural areas to produce high-quality cheese.

 Santé et bien-être des animaux
 Développement rural
 Programme Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté

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