Possible partnership for MS Project to IRASME

il y a 5 ans




Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

We want to propose a project about MS disease to the call of 24th call for proposals of IraSME.

For this special call, the main requirement is consortium of 2 partners from two ;

Our projects main goals is classification of MS patients according to the MR images for early detection. For achieving this, we will use artificial intelligent algorithms to find the biomarkers of MS disease on MR images.

Then, we will determine the best combination of algorithms and biomarkers for the best classification result.

Our target is to develop a commercial software about early detection of MS disease.

We can do the algorithms and other software development phases.

We need sample MS disease MR image datasets for initial testings and medical consultation about selection of biomarkers and other possible technological achievements.

If you interest with this project please dont hesitate to contact with ; We can contact via email or via skype meeting.

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