Partner Search – Network of Tows “Europe for Citizens”

il y a 7 ans

Municipality of Vila Nova de Cerveira

Autorité publique locale


Recherche partenariat


Vila Nova de Cerveira (PT) is a border municipality with Tomiño, (municipality from Spain). This fact conducted to the development of a common Strategic Agenda for Cross-Border Cooperation "Friendship Cerveira - Tomiño", a plan with differentiating and innovative activities with the aim of strengthening the exchange relations between the two localities dating back several decades. Populations and political representatives soon realized that there were commonalities in various sectors, many of them encouraged by European policies, and that it was imperative to continue to encourage them, so that activities increased awareness across borders and promoted the concept of "European citizenship", stimulating the civic and social participation among the citizens and communities of the two countries.

Therefore, the Municipality of Vila Nova de Cerveira intends to submit a project proposal under the strand "Network of Towns" Europe for Citizens (deadline September 1st of 2017) based on good border practices, with the aim to encourage, understand and debate Euroscepticism, to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding and the debate on the future of Europe.

Thus, we are looking for partners who cumulatively fulfil the following requirements:

- Border Municipalities, ONG or institutions from eligible countries under this application, that promote joint actions with cross-border organisations from neighbouring countries.

Interested parties are kindly invited to express their interest by 28 July 2017 to the following contact person:

Manuela Ferreira



 Coopération transfrontalière
 Europe pour les citoyens

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