Partner from Romania for KA2-1-Sector Skills Alliances and KA2-2-Knowledge Alliances

il y a 5 ans

Robert Csergő



Recherche partenariat

LEADERS Foundation (), is an organization based in Bucharest, Romania, established in 2000 with more than 19 years of experience in developing educational programs for more than 28 000 direct beneficiaries. Our mission is to trigger the potential of young people and to form visionary, responsible and courageous leaders through leadership programs at each level of development. Our core activity is developing educational programs that are innovative, to encourage initiative, leadership, to develop the next generations of entrepreneurs, business specialists and leaders. We work in collaboration with schools and universities in Romania for whom we developed curriculum and programs in partnerships for high school students and university students, for business professionals and ; We are an organization that forms and supports people with values and principles to become the responsible leaders that make Romania strong at all levels by encouraging initiative and empowering youngsters to take action in their domain of interest, connecting our beneficiaries with decision makers from their fields of activity and through this connecting them with the labour-market.

 Renforcement des compétences
 Ressources humaines

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